Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Workout Wednesdays - #2 - Jawbone Up

I'm officially 17 days in to my Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis and so far so good.  It's amazing, but I really think I'm developing a habit of working out!  

Something I've found that gives me that extra motivation is a gadget by Jawbone called Up.  Up is a wristband and app that tracks how you sleep, move and eat - then helps you use that information to feel your best.  The idea is that once you know yourself (and patterns), that you can live better.

There are a lot of fitness trackers like this on the market, and it was hard to choose which one would be best for me.  Overall - I found that this one had the longest battery life (about 10 days), had great reviews in terms of accuracy, and was the least hideous to have to wear 24/7 (hey - fitness is important, but fashion is paramount!).

With only one button - you select awake or sleep.  You can set nap alerts, inactive alerts (I have mine set to every hour during the week to get me up from my desk job), and smart alarm alerts to have Up wake you at the right moment in your sleep cycle.  Crazy, right?!

The cap on the end of the bracelet comes off to reveal a standard headphone jack that plugs into your iPhone and syncs the band's data to the Up app (free on iTunes).  You can see daily progress towards the goals you set.  Here is a sample screenshot:

All in all I find this little accessory very motivating.  I'm not always religious about entering all of my food, but it's great to see how active I am and to see the quality of sleep I am getting.  

Pick one up today!

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