Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Workout Wednesdays - #1 - Tracy Anderson

Let me keep it real with you - I don't enjoy working out.  I've never been one of those girls running down the road without a hint of perspiration.  I would be the one beat red and panting with desperation if anything.  Nonetheless - it is a necessary stress reducer - and so to keep everything in check - I'm attempting to do what at this point seems impossible - the Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis system.

For those that don't know - it's a 90-day body reshaping system that promises to totally transform your body.  Here's how it goes - there are 9 unique 30-minute workouts included in the kit.  You do each workout for 10 days and then move to the next level.  Tracy recommends 6 days on and 1 day off, but in an attempt to learn a new habit - I'm going all out and attempting to do 30 days without breaking.  (Don't you love how you can make those grand statements at the beginning of a resolution?!)  :)

In addition to the 30-minute workout each day, you are supposed to also do 30-minutes of your choice of cardio.  Tracy includes a dance cardio workout, but I've tried it once and I need to just be honest with myself - I have no rhythm - I'm going to just stick with the old trampoline or rowing machine for now.

Anyone else want to join me?  You can get the system at most retailers, or direct from Tracy's website here:

Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis

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