Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tasty Tuesdays - #19 - Too Cheesy?

 {Recipe via}

With Thanksgiving just around the corner - it's always fun to think of a few new recipes to incorporate with the annual classics.  There are so many Pinterest recipes to choose from, but they so often end up in epic fails.  Here is a really cute easy hors d'oeuvres to try this year...pumpkin pie cheese and crackers.  Love!


  • Cheddar cheese
  • Triscuit Thin Crisps
  • Chicken in a Biskit crackers
  • Wavy stick crackers from a bag of Chex Mix
  • Whipped cream cheese


1 - Gather ingredients and slice cheese 
Slice cheese into thick wedges, slightly smaller than your Triscuit Thin Crisps.

2 - Pipe cream cheese 
Put cream cheese in a pastry bag.  Pipe tiny dollops of cream cheese on the Triscuit Thin Crisps, the Chicken in a Biskit crackers and the wavy stick Chex Mix crackers.  (You will need to combine two wavy stick Chex Mix crackers to create the top "crust" on each "slice of pie.")  Add a dollop of cream cheese on top of each cheese wedge for the "whipped cream."

3 - Assemble and display
Assemble and accessorize cheese wedges with the crackers to create your pumpkin pie slices.

4 - Surprise... they're actually cheese!
Surprise your guests with this cheesy pumpkin pie slice!

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