Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wellness Wednesdays - #22 - Steam Rooms

I recently joined a new gym and one of the features that attracted me is the steam room.  I had never really tried one before, but it is a great way to end your workout!  Not only is it relaxing, but there are actually several great health benefits to "taking the vapors"...

Quickest Way To Detoxify
Among the many steam room benefits is detoxification.  There are many products and diet plans in the market today that promise to get rid of toxins in your body, but none of them can rival the effectiveness of a steam bath.  Our bodies pick up a lot of toxins from the environment, the foods we eat, and substances we put inside our bodies.  Biologically speaking, the body has evolved four ways of getting rid of wastes and toxins in the body- through urine, sweat, feces and exhaled air.  A steam session capitalizes on the body’s ability to sweat toxins away.  With the average body containing more than 2.5 million sweat glands, the cumulative effect of sweating is a 30% reduction in the toxins that have built up inside the body.  It is an effortless and practical way to detox, and with a greater degree of effectiveness.

Boost Immune System
We sweat because we are exposed to a much higher room temperature than our bodies can comfortably handle.  A steam bath increases our core temperature, a phenomenon that is termed as hyperthermia.  In a controlled setting such as a steam room, hyperthermia does produce some desired effects.  The most significant among this is the killing of harmful microorganisms that have invaded our bodies.  They are not able to tolerate the raised body temperature, and therefore die.  For those that don’t die, they are weakened, and the immune system is able to more efficiently get rid of them.  This immune system boost is actually another benefit of taking a steam bath.

A Feeling Of Relaxation
Other steam room benefits include the relaxation effects on both the mind and the body.  Muscles have to deal with a lot of mechanical work, and steam baths helps sooth and relax them.  If you work out on a somewhat regular basis, it’s important to have a steam bath every now and then.  It will encourage a quicker recovery from early or delayed onset muscle soreness.  The joints are also soothed, which explains steam baths are recommended for those suffering from joint problems such as arthritis.

Beauty Benefits Of Steam Baths
Most of the benefits of the steam room are taken up by your skin.  That’s unsurprising, considering it is the organ that is mostly targeted.  With a steam bath, and a raised core temperature, the pores of the skin open up to make the process of sweating more effective.  Sweating is a biological mechanism undertaken by the body to bring forth a cooling effect on the body.  However it does more than that, as it helps the body get rid of whatever toxins it can.  If these are close to your skin, they are effortlessly eliminated.  The heat also causes your veins to become larger and more superficial.  While this effect is also meant to eliminate heat waste from your body, the increased flow of blood helps nourish your skin, giving it a healthier appearance.  Those with dry skin also benefit from having their skins hydrated.

Fat Emulsification
Fat is extremely stubborn and hard to eliminate from the body.  A steam bath can help, by emulsifying those fats that are close to your skin.  This fat, contained in the sebaceous glands, is what contributes to acne, and a steam bath helps get rid of it.  Those with oily skins benefit greatly from this, as it reduces the chance of developing acne.  A steam bath increases your metabolism.  The increased core temperature gets the body working effortlessly to reduce it.  As energy is needed to accomplish this purpose, your metabolism is increased.  This won’t contribute significantly to fat loss, but you will enjoy the benefits of having a raised metabolism.  The benefits of the steam room don’t end there, as a steam bath can help in the treatment of cellulite.  For those wishing to get rid of the unsightly look that cellulite gives, this is a significant benefit, as it can make you more comfortable in your beach wear.

Glowing Skin
Following a steam bath, your skin will look significantly healthier.  It will be sufficiently hydrated so it will be more elastic and more youthful looking.  The detoxification will also help in enhancing the glowing look.  Combining these beauty benefits of steam room with the medical ones, it’s clear that there is a lot that stands to be gained.  That said you should try having for a steam bath whenever your schedule allows it.  Do consult with your physician first if you have pre-existing ailments or suffer from respiratory conditions, such as asthma, before having a steam bath.  Also make sure you hydrate adequately before and after a steam bath.  Considering how much you are going to sweat, it is gravely important to drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

Medical Benefits Of Steam Baths 
Detoxification & Immune System Boost
A steam room will help eliminate toxins built up inside your body.  If you smoke, there is a chance of greater percentage of these.  They are eliminated through sweating, with some sources indicating that as many as 30% of the accumulated toxins being eliminated.  A steam bath causes the body’s core temperature to rise above optimum, causing hyperthermia.  You experience a fever, which is just the body’s way of reacting to the raised temperature.  It is accompanied by an increased release of disease-fighting cells as well as interferons, which cumulatively, give you a greater protection against any pathogenic microorganism. 

Relaxation Effects
Muscles are relaxed following a steam bath.  The greater flow of blood to the skin, and muscles helps soothe them.  If you are experiencing muscle soreness, you will feel the relief almost immediately, attesting to its effectiveness.  Heat also has sedative effects, which conjure up feelings of calmness and relaxation. You feel less stressed as a result. 

Respiratory Benefits
There are many respiratory benefits of steam room.  As you are forced to inhale moist warm air, it becomes much easier to secret mucus, which supports an easier flow of air.  Should you have an upper respiratory tract infection accompanied by a dry or irritated throat, the moist air will have a soothing effect, and the throat discomfort will dissipate.  Inflammation and congestion are also relieved.  Mucus secretion is also encouraged, and with the mucus being loose, it becomes easier to clear or expectorate it.

Pain Management
Other benefits of steam room include pain management for those suffering from chronic muscle or joint pains.  The heat you experience is what helps in relieving the pain.  While the effects are only temporary, they do make it easier to manage the chronic conditions.

{Article via}

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